This week I posted a poll asking new EPIK teachers what topic they would like to see me cover in a Say What?! video. This topic would have been my last choice, just because it seemed to be the hardest to talk about. But I’m really glad the new teachers voted for this topic, because usually the hardest things to talk about are the most important! And this is a VERY important thing to understand in order to be happy here.
I will say that if I come off as projecting an “us vs. them” mentality in this video, that was not my intention. My intent was not to expose one communication style as “right” or “wrong”, but rather to point out our differences so that we can work more harmoniously together. As many foreigners say in Korea, your relationship with your co-teacher will make or break your experience here. So this topic is not something to take lightly! Remember to remain open, don’t see things in black and white, and think the best of people, because your co-teacher more than likely has good intentions!
As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to leave them in the comments! I’d love to continue this conversation with fellow or future teachers.
The post Say What?! Episode 6: Maybe=Do it? appeared first on Evan and Rachel.